Katia Delivers Surf to the Outer Banks

Surf from Hurricane Katia

Surf from Hurricane Katia

I decided to work remote from the Outer Banks during Labor Day week. I got lucky with a plethora of surf. I was hoping for it, but didn’t expect the surf to be this good. On Friday, September 9th, Katia delivered. In the morning, it was head to 3-foot overhead. (6-9 foot surf.) By the afternoon, the swell had dwindled, but it was still 6-8 foot surf.

MB, Zander, and I headed to the Outer Banks on Sunday (9/4), after the NC State season opener against Liberty. The football game was a blast and the Wolfpack won. We arrived at the beach around 2pm. All of our friends were hanging out on the beach and there were a few waves out there. I surfed for about an hour. Continue reading

Surfing Hurricane Irene

Hurricane flags fly in Wrightsville Beach

Hurricane flags fly in Wrightsville Beach

The Jetta was packed last night with two surfboards, my surf gear, and other essentials. I was ready for an early morning trip to Wilmington to surf. The alarm went off  around 5am and after I woke up, headed East.

Hurricane Irene is looming off the East coast and the surf window wasn’t very big. I didn’t think the surf would last much past noon today–and I was right. I arrived at Wrightsville Beach just after 7:30am. I took some pictures and got in the water. Continue reading

Why Google Groups are now an Admins Nightmare

Anyone who manages a Google Group may have noticed recent changes to how they administer their users. While the Google Groups team calls this a spam improvement, I call it a huge oversight, a lack of innovation, and a step backwards. Especially for admins who have to deal with adding users not familiar with mailing list or groups.

On the Google Groups announcement page, they detail this change on July 19th as follows: Continue reading

New Knock Out Garden

Knock out roseWe had our work cut-out for us last weekend. The project list looked something like this: weed the garden, mow the lawn, weed eat, edge, trim the pond liner, add protective netting to the pond, re-pot elephant ears, plant new tomato plants, mulch the front gardens, accessorize the upper deck, and plant our new Knock Out® Rose garden.

We decided to document the creation of our new garden with a few photos before, during, and after. We hope you enjoy.

How to create a Knock Out Rose Garden Continue reading

Creating a citizen movement for open government


CC-BY-SA opensource.com

How do you get techies, govies, and citizens to identify, collaborate, and start creating solutions for your local government? Host a CityCamp.

It’s easier than you think. The first CityCamp Raleigh started as a conversation about citizen engagement, but we realized that we could do more than just talk about it. A dozen people came together over 12 weeks to make CityCamp Raleigh a reality. Over 225 people attended three days of collaboration, sharing, and encouraging openness–focusing on improving access to data and solutions for local government.

Three themes emerged over the weekend, all twists on open government: Continue reading

Fireworks from Nags Head

I love spending the Fourth of July on the Outer Banks. Yesterday, we were on the beach all day in Nags Head. The kids played, I caught a few waves on the surfboard, and we had a great day at the beach.

At 9:15pm, we watched the fireworks in Nags Head. The fireworks were shot off from Nags Head fishing pier. I love how the length of the pier was used to create a unique show. Enjoy the video of the finale: Continue reading

Drupal Meetup with Views and Theming on July 13

Source: http://groups.drupal.org/files/bluebeach_logo.png

On July 13th, I’ll be hosting a Triangle Drupal User Group (TriDUG) meeting at Red Hat from 6:30-9pm. The topics will include Introduction to Views & Introduction to Theming. You’ll get to meet some great folks from the local Drupal community and learn about more about Drupal, an open source content management system powering website like whitehouse.gov and opensource.com. Continue reading

A Cool Breeze from Chi-town

Willis Tower, ChicagoRemember we went to Chicago this past March? Some of you probably saw our Facebook updates and perhaps a few pictures that we posted. Now, you can relive the entire trip. Yep, we just got around to posting the pictures.

Looking back at the photos while it’s 90° here in North Carolina brings a hint of coolness—like a cool ocean breeze. We weren’t well prepared for the cold weather that Chicago had for us back in March but we’d take a cool morning any day now. Continue reading