Farmdog Surf Camp: Day 1

IMAG1277This is it, day one of surf camp. Zander was excited—until we actually got in the car and started heading to Nags Head about 20 minutes before camp started. His nerves got the best of him and I had to walk him off the ledge.

We did a quick surf check across the street from Farmdog’s and everything got better. It was about knee to waist high, clean, and it looked like a perfect day to learn how to surf. Continue reading

Civic Hacking Lessons from Raleigh, NC

Image credits: Laura Barnes Hamlyn

Image credits: Laura Barnes Hamlyn

One of the key parts to open source is sharing. And that comes in many forms. On the software development side, that means sharing your code. But on the civic hacking side, it starts with sharing stories and lessons learned—both successes and failures.

Fellow Code for Raleigh co-captain Chad Foley and I joined a Code for America Google Hangout with Kevin Curry and Hannah Young to share our story. How Code for Raleigh got started. What’s working well for us. Where are we going next. Check out our Hangout and let us know what you think. Continue reading

Ready for OSCON | Open source city book special

Open Source City stickerOpen source experts and those interested in open source will be descending upon Portland, OR this week for OSCON (Open Source Conference) by O’Reilly.  I arrived on Friday and attended the Community Leadership Summit (CLS), an unconference focused on community management and leadership.

I’ll be posting a summary of my adventures and takeaways from the Community Leadership Summit on this week. As a teaser, I’ll say that I participated as Continue reading

OBX Sandbars and Board Shorts Day Nine: Totally Tan

obx_foj13_d9_02This was it, our last day on the Outer Banks for FOJ. It was Sunday, July 7 and we had a blend of home-sickness but couldn’t pass up another beach opportunity. We had a great Saturday, enjoying all day on the beach. While we wanted to do the same today, it wasn’t in the cards. Instead, a condensed version of what we’ve been doing most of the week was in store. Continue reading

OBX Sandbars and Board Shorts Day Seven: Total Tourists

obx_foj13_d7_23After two full days on the beach and an awesome evening of fireworks, it was time for a recovery day. Sort of. Welcome to day seven on the Outer Banks, Friday, July 5. We were going to be tourists today, and there’s nothing wrong with that. On Monday, we did a day trip to Ocracoke and Hatteras Island, which was a great time despite the rain. It was time to check off a few of those attractions that you always drive by, but never go to. Today was our day. Continue reading

OBX Sandbars and Board Shorts Day Five: Bikes and Beach

obx_foj13_d5_02We’re on day five of our week on the Outer Banks. On Wednesday, July 3 the weather finally cooperated with us to get to the beach for an extended amount of time. First, the family enjoyed a bike ride in Kill Devil Hills.

Merri Beth recently added a child seat on her bike and we brought our bikes with us from Raleigh. I added the “Alley Cat” bike extender to my bike for Zander. MB had Coco, while I had Zander and we were off on the bikes. Continue reading

OBX Sandbars and Board Shorts Day Four: Taco Tuesday

obx_foj13_d4_12Not only was it Taco Tuesday on day four of our OBX beach week, but it was “Work From OBX” day. On Tuesday, July 2, Merri Beth and I were working remote and getting stuff done. Red Hat is great that way. I have the ability to work remote and still operate pretty smoothly with my team. My mom had today off and needed to run some errands. Zander tagged along with her. Continue reading