NCSU Marching Band Breaks Victory Tradition

Did anyone else notice what happened at the end of the NC State vs Boston College game on Saturday October 9th? The NC State marching band changed their tune. The football coaches and players came down to the south end zone (Murphy Center bowl), faced the band and the student sections, then participated in the NC State Alma Mater. But then, the song all the fans were expecting to hear, wasn’t played.

NC State football team

For the last few years, the band plays the NC State Alma Mater at the end of a game, then their version of Continue reading

In the News, Reporting Live on NBC17 and ABC11

I’m excited to report that I was contacted by two major media outlets this week for interviews. Over on the Lineberry Alliance Blogs, I’ve been advocating and blogging about moving forward with the Tryon Road expansion project. Back in February, I coined the term “Garner Death Curve” in one of my first blogs on the topic. I’m not happy with the tone of the branding, but it’s helping bring attention to this complicated issue.

The overview of this situation goes something like this: Continue reading

Country Style Beef Ribs

I was at the grocery store the other day and saw these beautiful boneless beef ribs.  I love ribs but since Jason doesn’t eat pork I only have ribs when we go out.  I thought I couldn’t lose with buying beef ribs because they were, well, beef.  I also thought these would be great to have while tailgating for the NC State vs Cincinnati game.  Once I got home with these beautiful ribs, I realized I had no idea how to cook them.  Continue reading

30 Minute Meal Challenge #1

Monday night was the first challenge – will the recipe I selected be liked by the family?

Spicy and Sweet Chicken and Couscous Pot with Minty Cilantro Sauce

One of the main ingredients in this dish was one I have only eaten once and have never cooked/prepared – couscous.  I was also curious to find out how Zander would react to this weird looking food. Continue reading

From Boone to the Beach

I got back to Raleigh around 10:00 pm last night, unpacked the car, then repacked with all my surf gear. I considered driving on through the night, but was tired from the spending the day at Boone DrupalCamp. I caught up with MB and she showed me all the tailgating gear she got for the upcoming NC State football season (which kicks off next weekend).

I set my alarm for 5:30 am, but woke up at 5. I was actually Continue reading

Great day at Boone DrupalCamp

The weather was perfect for the first Drupal Camp in Boone, NC. I got a good 3.5 mile jog in this morning on the Appalachian State University (ASU) campus to get the day started. Time for the camp to begin.

Finding parking was easy, then you just followed the signs to the registration area. The day kicked off with Continue reading

3 concerts and counting

I spent most of my weekend editing pictures and videos from all of the concerts we’ve been to this summer. We started the summer series off in Virginia Beach with The Offspring and 311. Then, on a whim, went to see 40 oz to Freedom, a Sublime cover band who was playing at The Pit in Kill Devil Hills, NC while we were on the OBX.

The Offsrping

The Offspring rock Va Beach

We saw our first show at the Raleigh Ampitheater with Continue reading