A Sneak Peak at Pullen Park

On November 17, 2011, I joined other community members to explore the recently rennovated Pullen Park in Southwest Raleigh, NC. The instant you walk through the gate, you realize that this is a special place for Raleigh. I was immediately impressed. The park staff has many reasons to smile, because Pullen Park is going to attract park-goers from all over North Carolina and beyond.

I invited my southwestraleigh.com blogger, Kris, to attend the VIP-only event. We explored the Continue reading

Get Your Pirate On – My First OBX Half Marathon

It was five years ago this weekend that I caught the running bug—thanks to my buddy Iain Gray, who ran the Outer Banks Marathon back in 2006. Merri Beth, Zander (6 months old at the time), and I, spent the weekend on the Outer Banks to cheer on the runners. It was a great experience and inspired me to get into running.

Last weekend, I had my best half marathon to date. I finished the City of Oaks race in 1 hour, 42 minutes and I was in the top 20 of my age group. I’m ecstatic with the results. I’ve come a long way in four years. I’m blessed to be able to run these races and love the feeling when I cross the finish line.

This will be my first year running the Continue reading

TriDUG Meetup November 16 – 6:30PM at Red Hat

I wanted to let you know about next week’s TriDUG (Drupal User Group) meetup on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 starting at 6:30PM, hosted at Red Hat. The agenda is below and if you’re planning on attending, RSVP at meetup.com.

This is actually part two of a series TriDUG is hosting about using Drupal with non-profits. Last month, Drupalers were introduced to SpringBoard followed by a presentation from Hesketh.com on working with clients. Next week, TriDUG has more of the same great stuff. Continue reading

CityCamp Colorado Keynote with Stephanie O’Malley

The second CityCamp Colorado started off with two speakers from the City of Denver setting the stage for the day’s theme: enhancing access to government. Held at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility on October 28, 2011, more than 70 people gathered to participate, learn, and advance the open government movement. After Tom Downey, talked about the power shift in open government, Deputy Chief of Staff Stephanie O’Malley for Denver Mayor Michael Hancock explained the importance for citizens of knowing how to find government information. Continue reading

Running the City of Oaks

This year will be my fifth time running in the City of Oaks half-marathon. My finish times have ranged from my first ever half-marathon at 1 hour and 54 minutes to last years personal best of 1 hour and 46 minutes.

I’m excited about the new course this year that takes us through Southwest Raleigh and starts and finishes at the NC State Memorial Bell Tower. The course will take us through Continue reading

CityCamp Colorado Keynote with Tom Downey

The second CityCamp Colorado started off with Tom Downey and Stephanie O’Malley from the City of Denver setting the stage for the day’s theme: enhancing access to government. Held at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility on October 28, 2011, more than 70 people gathered to participate, learn, and advance the open government movement. Continue reading

Duck diving into online surf forecasts

Hurricane KatiaDuring hurricane season, my attention turns to the Atlantic Ocean. I keep an eye on swell-producing storms and use a variety of forecasting tools to get to the right spot for the best surf. But I never really thought about the data behind the tools I use.

There are many different stats brought together by today’s forecasting technology: Continue reading

Blazing an open data trail

Where do you start to standardize legislative information for all 50 United States? Blazing an open data trail for one state government isn’t easy, so shifting 50 must be nearly impossible. Or is it? The Open State Project is making progress towards the impossible—and closing in on the goal.

When I first heard about this project I thought, that’s cool—I wonder how they do it? Then I thought, this must be a nightmare. Can you imagine trying to scrape, sanitize, and standardize data from hundreds of different sources? Continue reading

Peace corps for geeks and more from Govloop

We’d like to highlight a few blog posts from GovLoop about open government and technology. In a previous post, we talked about GovLoop and the diversity and experience their community offers. It’s a social network for the government community, focused on connecting people and sharing information and boasting more than 45,000 members.

Here are a few posts that we think you’ll enjoy about capturing public comments, Code for America, and a new job and career resource. Continue reading