Category Archives: Neighborhood

A Partial Solution to the Wake County Bus Problem

Dear Superintendent Tata,

The school bus my child rides, route 7, has been late three out of four days this week. The first day of school was a nightmare. I freaked out and drove my child to Dillard Drive so they wouldn’t be late on the first day. The greeters at the school were very nonchalant about the whole thing. “Oh, it’s just the first day of school, the buses are always late.” What?!?

Today, we waited over 30 minutes for the bus. It didn’t arrive until after 9:00am and school starts at 9:15am. Which is kind of late if you ask me. I could have driven my child to school and been back home in less time. It caused me to be late for my first meeting of the day. We need a solution. The tardiness doesn’t just impact the kids, it impacts the parents as well. And while I don’t understand the entire problem, I have a partial solution that can help parents save time and be more efficient. Continue reading

Shibby’s Samplings | June 24 edition

Here are some posts from other places that I write, including, (Raleigh’s Creative District), and CityCamp Raleigh. It was an exciting few weeks that included an awesome CityCamp Raleigh event on June 3, 4, and 5th. Also, a key initiative for an economic development proposal was in front of City Council for Southwest Raleigh related to the efforts happening on It passed on June 21 by a 7-1 vote.

See what else I’ve been saying around the web over the last few weeks. Continue reading

Shibby’s Samplings | March 21 edition

Here are some posts from other places that I write, including and a new project I’ve started with Raleigh neighbors Anthony McLeod and Joe Boisvert: As I’ve told many people, I’ve scaled back on blogging to the Lineberry Alliance Blogs in favor of the new project.

See what else I’ve been saying around the web over the last few weeks. Continue reading

Protecting the Neighborhood from GH-1-2011

Lineberry Student Housing

On Tuesday, February 15, 2011, I presented to Raleigh City Council about concerns on the proposed GH-1-2011 project, Lineberry Student Housing. [PDF] GH stands for Group Housing and the project is being administratively approved by Raleigh City Planning.

I started my presentation by giving an overview of the project as I understood it. I told the council I was surprised that this project was targeting student housing when our current zoning doesn’t have a classification focused on student housing. The proposed project would be located at Lake Wheeler Road and Lineberry Drive. GH-1-11 would be four stories in height and have 72 4-bedroom apartments.

The purpose of my presentation to City Council was to

  1. table the GH-1-11 project,
  2. look at bringing in an Institutional Overlay to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), and
  3. have the Citizen Advisory Councils (CACs) notified of future administratively approved projects Continue reading

When AOL Flexes Their Internet Muscle

I had quite a day yesterday. My hosting company, Just Host, suspended the hosting for the domain because of some SPAM flags sent from AOL. It took me pretty much all day to convince them that the 300-person mailman list used for our neighborhood was not sending SPAM. But how did I get to that situation in the first place and why is AOL flexing their muscles on my little community website? Continue reading

Shibby’s Samplings | Jan 21 edition

Here are some posts from other places that I write, including and a new project I’ve started with Raleigh neighbors Anthony McLeod and Joe Boisvert: I’ve scaled back on blogging to the Lineberry Alliance Blogs in favor of the new project.

See what else I’ve been saying around the web over the last few weeks.

South West Raleigh

Lineberry Alliance Blogs

Shibby’s Samplings | Dec 20 edition

Here are some posts from other places that I write, including and news & updates from my neighborhood via the Lineberry Alliance Blogs. See what else I’ve been saying around the web over the last few weeks.

Continue reading