An NC State Christmas Present

Next week, I’ll be in Orlando, Florida attending the Champs Sport Bowl. The game will be between the NC State Wolfpack and the West Virginia Mountaineers. If you saw the headlines from ESPN today, you noticed that WVU’s top cornerback, Brandon Hogan, is out with a torn ACL.

NC State Christmas

NC State Christmas

But I want to get one small request in before Santa visits this Saturday. Continue reading

Shibby’s Samplings | Dec 20 edition

Here are some posts from other places that I write, including and news & updates from my neighborhood via the Lineberry Alliance Blogs. See what else I’ve been saying around the web over the last few weeks.

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Big Blue D Sacks McNabb (video)

Last weekend, we enjoyed the Washington Redskins at New York Giants football game in New Meadowlands Stadium (December 5, 2010). It was cold, mid 30’s with a wind chill in the high 20’s. But that didn’t stop us from having a blast seeing the Giants dominate the Redskins.

Merri Beth and Jason ready to watch the NY Giants play

Merri Beth and Jason ready to watch the New York Giants play

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NC State set to break the “Ranked” curse

This is my Dear Coach O’Brien letter for the NC State game against Maryland. Can the Wolfpack finally break the “ranked” curse?

When the season started out at 4-0, the Wolfpack nation was reminicsing about the years when Philip Rivers was at the helm. Then, Virginia Tech came to town. The football team was nationally ranked at No. 23 and an 11 point loss later, NC State was faced with a home game against Boston College and fell from the rankings.

I was weary about the team being ranked before the Virgina Tech game. It seems that in years past, the same thing would happen. The Wolfpack would crack the top 25, then lose the next game. In fact, if I had time, I would research the topic a bit more. For this post, I’m focused on the 2010 season.

Make Noise

Make Noise

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Picture updates from October 2010

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and one thing I’m thankful for is having some time to catch-up on some pictures. Yikes I’m way behind!

We seem to be going non-stop and it’s nice to do some photo editing for a change instead of attending a meeting after work. I’ve grouped these updates into two categories: Things we did and NC State football.

NC State Fair Continue reading

Shibby’s Samplings | Nov 22 edition

Here are some posts from other places that I write, including and news & updates from my neighborhood via the Lineberry Alliance Blogs. See what else I’ve been saying around the web over the last few weeks.

Lineberry Alliance Blogs

Today I’ll Be A Marathoner

I’ve been running for a only few years now and have 8 half-marathons under my belt. I got the running bug when I came to the Outer Banks four years ago to cheer on Iain Gray in the Outer Banks Marathon. Earlier this year, I committed to running my first marathon. My training has gone well. Today is game day.

One of my co-workers ran the Chicago marathon a few weeks ago. She made a bracelet that had friends and family members names on it for each mile. I’m going to do something similar. Instead of a bracelet, I’ve made a list of friends and family. It’s not in order of importance, but something I’m doing for inspiration.

City of Oaks half marathon

City of Oaks half marathon

Thanks for all the encouragement and support. I’ll run each mile of the marathon inspired by the following people: Continue reading

Remembering Fall on the Outer Banks

It’s a cold and rainy day here in Raleigh. I decided to work on getting some pictures posted to today (I’m still way behind from the busy summer). Why not brighten up the day with some memories of the Outer Banks?

The first set of photo’s was an opportunistic sunset on Pea Island. My friend Tony and I were wrapping up a great surf session in Rodanthe when we saw the perfect set-up for the sunset. We pulled over at new inlet and got some great pictures.

Pea Island sunset Continue reading