We had an awesome Fourth of July on the Outer Banks. It’s got to be my favorite holiday. When else can you hang out on the beach all day, enjoy a few beers, then see some awesome fireworks after a long day in the sun and surf? Memorial Day and Labor Day come close, but FOJ is where it’s at.
On day six of our vacation on the beach, we were planning on relaxing at the pool for a few hours. But just as we were getting ready to leave the house, I noticed some smoke coming from the Sound. At first, I thought it was a storm, but upon further inspection, it was smoke from a marsh fire near Collington.
Any reports of a controlled burning are BS. No fire department in their right mind would do a controlled burn with 10-15 MPH winds. That’s just unacceptable. This fire was caused by fireworks and it was amazing to see in a deranged sort of way. Fortunately, the water around the marsh pretty much contained the fire and no residential areas where in danger.
After we investigated the marsh fire from Bay Drive, we packed up the Jeep and headed to the pool. The winds had shifted South West and the pool was in the clear. Not even a hint of smoke smell in the air.
We grabbed some Stop N Shop for lunch, which was delicious as always. Zander was swimming up a storm in the pool. He really enjoys swimming. Merri Beth and I enjoyed a mixture of pool time, pool-side time, and relaxation time.
What an awesome day at the pool. Zander and I even managed to sneak off to the beach to catch a few waves in the ocean. He went boogie boarding in the small shore pound. Before we knew it, the day had slipped away and we headed home to cook dinner.
I put some New York Strips on the grill while everyone else was in the house. MB and mom got some side dishes ready, then we enjoyed a great family dinner. Zander enjoyed some dessert, then played some baseball in the yard after we ate.
MB and I went to see the sunset–which was too cloudy to appreciate–then made a quick run to K-mart. Once we got back, we chilled out for the rest of the night. We caught up on a few shows on the DVR, then went to bed.
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