I wanted to let you know about next week’s TriDUG (Drupal User Group) meetup on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 starting at 6:30PM, hosted at Red Hat. The agenda is below and if you’re planning on attending, RSVP at meetup.com.
This is actually part two of a series TriDUG is hosting about using Drupal with non-profits. Last month, Drupalers were introduced to SpringBoard followed by a presentation from Hesketh.com on working with clients. Next week, TriDUG has more of the same great stuff.
- 6:30pm Meet & greet + pizza (Bring your own drinks or something to share)
- 7:00pm Announcements, job postings, need a job, general TriDUG business
- 7:15pm* Effectively Engaging Stakeholders in Drupal Projects, Julia Kulla-Mader
- 8:00pm* SpringBoard – A Distribution for non-profits (Part 2), Allen Freeman
- 8:45pm Wrap-up, Get help with your Drupal issues
- 9:00pm Beer
* – we may flip flop the presentations depending on the speaker preference
Visitors can park in the visitor spots in front of the 1801 Varsity Drive building or in the parking garage (the gate should be open). As you approach the building, the front doors will be locked, so please wait to be buzzed in.