Author Archives: Shibby


About Shibby

Digital creator and independent consultant in Raleigh, NC. Owner at Soul Surfer Consulting, working with All Things Open. Author:

All Things Open 2017 is the Deal of the Week

The excitement for the largest open source conference on the east coast is starting to build. On Wednesday of this week, the team from All Things Open had some great news to share. First, they launched the latest version of the conference website. It looks pretty slick and continues to use the Spaceman theme. Even more exciting than the new website is that registration for the conference is now open. But wait, there’s more. Continue reading

Get Involved in a Brigade Action Team

A first version of priorities and a draft rally cry are some of the key items that Code for America Brigades should be excited about as we start 2017. But what’s really exciting for me are the opportunities for making connections across the brigade network. Which is why the National Advisory Committee needs brigade members to help us by joining some of our Brigade Action Teams.

As many of you know, I have the honor of serving on the Code for America Brigade National Advisory Committee or NAC for short. There are eight other passionate members of the group who have had several meetings over the last few weeks to help set priorities, draft a rally cry (see image to the right), and identify working groups we call Brigade Action Teams (BAT). We’ve worked closely with Code for America staff and an amazing consultant who helped us navigate several exercises to move the group forward. Continue reading

Highlands for the Holidays: The Final Pour

The last day of our trip in Asheville was another beautiful day, a little windy with lots of sun. We wanted to stop by New Belgium before having lunch at White Duck Taco. Our ride back to Raleigh would be just under four hours and we had a few last minute things to check off our list before the end of our trip. Continue reading

Highlands for the Holidays: Exploring Biltmore and Beer

The first full day of our adventure in Asheville started at the Biltmore Estate, where we spent most of the day touring the house and gardens, having lunch, and sampling some wine. Then, later in the evening as the temperature dropped into the 30’s, Merri Beth and I walked to downtown and sampled some craft beer at Catawba Brewing, Twin Leaf Brewing, Burial Beer Company, and Wicked Weed. Continue reading

Highlands for the Holidays: Arriving in Asheville

The holiday break this year looked a little shorter on the calendar than past years. As many of you know we like to escape the holiday madness to a tropical location and come back on Christmas Eve. Flights are usually very affordable and we avoid peak season prices. Over the past few years, we’ve been to Turks and Caicos, St. Martin, Hawaii, and Costa Rica. And I traveled a lot in 2016, so having another trip at the end of the year wouldn’t have mattered that much.

Instead of taking a flight we hopped in that car and decided to try something different in 2016. For our holiday break this year, we headed to the highlands for a few days in Asheville, NC. Continue reading

The new challenge for Code for America Brigades

20160924_161907Anyone in the midst of the civic hacking movement knows that change is in the air. And this is not a bad thing. By far, it’s one of the most interesting times to be involved in this movement. Civic hackers are becoming more focused, more efficient with resources, and partnering with organizers where they can have the biggest impact. Continue reading

Hire for Culture Fit, Not Groupthink

20150920_153700Open. Transparent. Collaborative. Fast-paced. Constant change.

Those are words that I’d use to describe the work culture I’ve lived in for the last 13 years as a Red Hat associate.

I love every bit of it, but the culture at Red Hat isn’t for everyone. Years ago, I’d see people join the organization and leave after a short period of time. I convinced myself that our environment is very much a place where people “sink or swim.” If you can deal with an ever-changing environment, then at least you have a shot at being successful.
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Fort Collins On Tap: Oscar Blues and the Last Drop

20160729_160620_ft_collinsTime flies when you’re having fun. Our week in Fort Collins was coming to an end. But we’re not going out that easy. We squeezed in some last stops as we wrapped up our time in Colorado. On our way to the airport, we grabbed lunch at Oscar Blues. A great choice before heading back east. And there were a few more fun things sprinkled in before our time ran out. Continue reading